We are bringing a new paradigm to fire safety.

U.S. Patent 12,071,581
Issued in less than a year.
Innovative fire-retardant materials and fire safety solutions are urgently needed to protect lives, property, and the planet.
Fireguardia is a fire technology innovation company that has engineered a revolutionary fire retardant, that won't endanger health or harm the environment. Our patented chemical-free fire retardant is at the core of multiple applications --
Smart fire suppression systems
Fireproof fabric
Intumescent coating
Engineered wood
The versatility of the Fireguardia fire retardant formula delivers an expansive range of fire safety applications that push us into a new paradigm of fire protection.
We do not use decabromodiphenyl ether (decaBDE). DecaBDE is a polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE), a class of chemicals that have been shown to be hazardous and persistent pollutants. It can be released during manufacturing, use, or disposal of products, and it can degrade into other toxic chemicals over time. DecaBDE poses serious risks to human health, wildlife, and the environment. Infants and young children are most at risk because they are more likely to breathe in and eat dust.
Our fire retardant is harmless to public health and the environment, sustainably sourced, environmentally conscious and won't leave behind a toxic mess. We have established superior performance levels in the areas of:
Heat resistance
Exposure times
Lowest Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) aka “off gas” toxicity
Today's fire retardants rely on toxic chemicals -- and they still don’t stop fires. The top chemicals and endocrine disruptors are phenolic formaldehyde, melamine, and titanium dioxide. Fire retardants laden with toxic chemicals have been used in manufacturing, fabrics, and consumer products for decades. These chemicals leach into what we eat, drink, and breathe. Public health organizations know about the health hazards. Consumer awareness is peaking due to warnings on packaging and stories in the media.
Fireguardia is focused on solutions that eliminate the poisoning effects of fire retardants used in manufacturing and consumer goods.